Plan A - INR 1,500 per Month (Additional INR 1500 for Registration)
Plan B - INR 7,500 Only
Plan C - INR 10,000 Only
Which age group is suitable for robotics?
Suggested age group: Age 7+ (Grade 4+ for coding)
How many live classes and what are the prices?
Plan A - 8 live classes + robotics kit access with every month(INR 1500) subscription.
Plan B - 16 live classes along with robotics kit for Rs.7,500
Plan C - 48 live classes along with robotics kit for Rs.10,000
Will there be continuous classes or how will it be?
Weekly two classes one hour each day
What is the duration of the class?
Each class is of 1 hr duration
If any class is missed, will there be a compensatory class?
Recordings will be shared
Will you provide a certificate?
Whether manuals will be provided?
Online Manuals
Live Sessions will be conducted in qtlive or zoom?
Will be intimated via email and meeting link will be shared
Warranty ?
Replacement on production related issues up to one year. Paid service/replacement on usage related damage
Pricing Plan A FAQ’s:
Will I receive cashback if I return the kit after 3 weeks or a month?
No, after the 2 weeks time duration expires the refund will no longer be valid, but the kit can be returned with no additional charges.
In case of loss/damage of components will there be any extra charges when returned?
Yes, the cost of the damaged product or missing component will be billed to the customer while picking up the returned kit.If the return is made within the two weeks period, the cost will be deducted from the refund
Can I keep the kit after one month?
No, only after the one year subscription is complete the kit becomes yours.
After one month can I change the plan and purchase the kit?
Yes, anytime between the first three months you may decide to switch to a different offer plan and purchase the kit. For details regarding the updated prices please contact
After discontinuing the course will the child receive a certificate?
Yes, the child will receive a certificate by successfully completing one month of live sessions. At the end of every month a certificate will be issued to the candidate.
After six months if I want to discontinue the course do I have to return the kit?
Yes, you will have to return the kit. There will be no additional pick up charges.
Can the child take a break? Does the child need to return the kit even if they want to continue after a few months?
The QtPi team always has the child's best interest in mind, please feel free to reach out to for assistance relevant to your child.
How many students will be there in the live classes?
6 (Max) students for the first month(8 Classes). Later, classes will contain up to 15(Max) students based on age group.
How many projects does the child learn in one month?
Whether self-learning content is available? If so, what is the cost?
Yes, subscription based complimentary access is available.
Pricing Plan B&C FAQ’s:
Can we pay in installments(EMI)?
Yes, payment by EMI will be available.
After one month can we return the kit and receive a refund?
No, after the 2 weeks time duration expires the refund will no longer be valid. No option to return the kit.
Will I receive cashback if I return the kit after 1 weeks?
Yes, a refund will be initiated on the request, and 2000 Rs will be deducted from the cost.
What is the time range to receive the refund?
Two weeks from date of purchase.
How many students will be there in the live classes?
6 (Max) students for the first month(8 Classes). Later, classes will contain up to 15(Max) students based on age group.
How many projects does the child learn in two month?
How many projects does the child learn in six month?
Whether self-learning content is available? If so, what is the cost?
Yes, One year complimentary access
Course Pricing:
If the student has a QtPi kit what is the pricing.
Student can register for the course.Rs: 3000/- Per Month (8 sessions)
What is the cost of Recorded content?
Students subscribed for online classes get premium recording free for a year. QtPi also releases basic courses free of cost at
Product sales outside INDIA? Pricing?
Apart from product cost you may be charged import duty. Please mail us at
Students already learnt Code2Play. But he wants to learn micro python
Yes it is possible, Please mail us at
What would be the cost if anybody wishes to continue post first year for Platform?
Platform access can be renewed at Rs: 2000/-
1:1 Coaching available? If so, what is the cost?
500 per session?
Technical FAQ's:
What is the platform you are using for an online class?
QtLive is the platform we use to teach online courses.
Which coding languages will you be using for this course?
Code2Play (based on MIT App Inventor) is the programming language used
Does the Platform work for iPhone or MacBook?
Apps developed with code2play works only with Android phones.
Does the platform(QtLive and Code2Play) work in all the browsers?
We recommend using Google Chrome.
About QtPi :
Since inception in 2016, QtPi Robotics has built an ecosystem of over 30,000 children aged between 7-17 across India, since we started in 2016. It's about time we pull students out of the rat race and teach them how to think instead of what to think!